Mrs. Gross's class had a fun-filled Valentine's Day sharing valentines and having a pizza party, thanks to our Villa Nova stars! ⭐️ My students have stole a 'pizza' my heart 🍕💘 😃
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Gross
Tomorrow's God, flag, and country contest is open to visitors. The start times are an estimate and can change. 8:15-14-15 year olds first, then 12-13 year olds 9:00- 10-11 year olds (5th grade) 9:45- 10-11 year olds (4th grade)
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Gross
REMINDER: Mrs. Gross will hold one last God, flag, and country practice on Tuesday, February 14 3-4:00 in her classroom to practice giving your speech. Our NK God, flag, and country contest will be Thursday, Feb. 16 in the media center 8:15-11:00. Visitors are welcome!
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Gross
Congratulations to our 7th grade boys' basketball team on their 2023 MAC Championship!  They defeated Marion Local 29 - 28 in OT.  Great job boys and Go Rangers!
almost 2 years ago, Kay Webb
Congratulations to our 7th grade boys' basketball team on their 2023 MAC Championship!  They defeated Marion Local 29 - 28 in OT.  Great job boys and Go Rangers!
Congratulations to the K-7 Rangers of the Week!
almost 2 years ago, 4-12 Principal
Rangers of the Week
Mrs. Gross will hold one last God, flag, and country practice on Tuesday, February 14 3-4:00 in her classroom. This practice will be a time to rehearse giving your speech. Our NK God, flag, and country contest will be Thursday, Feb. 16 in the media center.
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Gross
102nd day of second grade, and we were busy! Students raced against the clock to complete activities in 102 seconds and then cracked the code to find our celebration cupcakes!
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Wierwille
Today was our 102nd day of 2nd grade! The class had to crack the classroom code by answering challenging questions, solving hidden messages, and finding envelopes with clues! To celebrate solving the final mystery, the class got to enjoy cupcakes!
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Gross
Mrs. Phillips class celebrated 101 Days of School today; Dalmatian Style! 😀🦴🐾
almost 2 years ago, Casey Phillips
101 Cup Stacking
101 Tall Towers
Congratulations to this weeks K-6 Rangers of the Week! Keep up the great work!
almost 2 years ago, 4-12 Principal
Rangers of the Week
This is a reminder that registration will end soon for any k - 8 student interested in playing baseball or softball this year. Registration must be done online at The deadline to register is Friday, February 3.
almost 2 years ago, 4-12 Principal
2nd 9 Weeks Report Cards are posted on ProgressBook for your viewing and printing. PLEASE log into progressbook to view your student's report card. You may PRINT the report card by clicking on VIEW PAPER REPORT CARD. If you have any questions, contact the school office.
almost 2 years ago, 4-12 Principal
God, flag, and country work times will be 3-4:00 Tuesday, Jan. 31, Thursday, Feb. 2, and Tuesday, Feb. 7. Jan. 31 was added to make up for last week’s canceled session due to snow. We will be meeting in the computer lab. Contact Mrs. Gross if you have any questions!
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Gross
Tonight's high school boys basketball game at home vs Spencerville has been canceled due to unforseen circumstances. The game will not be rescheduled.
almost 2 years ago, 4-12 Principal
We will be closed for today Friday, January 27.
almost 2 years ago, New Knoxville School
We will be on a 2-hour delay tomorrow Friday, January 27.
almost 2 years ago, New Knoxville School
The 8th grade girls MAC tournament game has been cancelled for tonight. It will be played Saturday morning at 10:00.
almost 2 years ago, New Knoxville School
Forms are going home today or tomorrow for this amazing memorial scholarship in honor of Ryan Lageman. Dads, please consider signing up for some fun with your son(s) and/or daughter(s)!
almost 2 years ago, Casey Phillips
Lunch menu update: The menu will stay the same as listed on the monthly menu for Thursday and Friday. The menu can be found on the school website.
almost 2 years ago, 4-12 Principal
All activities at school this afternoon and tonight have been cancelled for Wednesday, January 25.
almost 2 years ago, New Knoxville School